Thursday, May 22, 2008


Apricot Puree

I found fresh apricots on sale at Sprouts for $1.00 per pound. Apricots are a great Stage 1 food for babies, so I picked up about a pound and a half. I washed them, halved and pitted them and placed them upside down in a baking dish with about an inch of water.

They roasted in a 350 degree oven for about 25 minutes. After they cooled, they went into the food processor with a little of the leftover water from the pan. Then the contents were poured into ice cube trays. 13 apricots made about 30+ cubes. Rémy ate 2 cubes for this is about 15 a cost of $1.73 total. About .11 per meal. Not only is it nutrient dense and fresh, but also money saving. Although, if you're not kitchen savvy or have a dislike for cooking in general, this method is not for you. I just happen to have an unnatural love for any kind of kitchen tool and rise to the challenge of dirtying every dish in the kitchen.

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