Monday, April 07, 2008

Bragging Rights

I just love my husband! We've been needing to replace our fence since the day we purchased our home 2 years ago. We've been repairing it here and there, using braces, etc to keep it from falling over. Every time we saved up enough money to do it, something else came up that needed priority over the fence.

This time, with the help our tax refund, we decided just to go ahead and do it. Thanks to Ken's expertise, and the work of Elmer & Logan the majority of the work was complete by sundown last night. We decided to do an 8' fence(really 9' in some places), with a rotboard, and caps on the top, 2 gates. We had one gate before, enabling us to take the trash out to the bins. I saw a garden gate a couple of streets over that I just fell in love with. Walker and I had been saying to ourselves..."the next house we buy we'll do that to the fence." I mentioned the gate again a few days ago, asking if maybe we could do one this time, and Walker said "probably not, but we'll see." This response usually means "no" but I went ahead and took pictures of the gate I liked and emailed 'em over to Ken & Walker just in case! They worked magic, and I just LOVE how it all came out. I can't wait to extend the front flower bed to the gate, add stepping stones and enjoy our backyard. The caps still need to be put on, and my special garden gate needs some finishing touches including an arch above the gate, and an inlaid stained glass piece that Debbe is creating.

Here's some before and after pictures of the project so far...

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