Friday, May 18, 2007

Frisco Crime

Frisco Crime is up quite a bit from last year and we found that out the hard way this morning. I had a 6 am shift at work today so when I was going out the door at 5:30 this morning I apparently caused a thief to lose interest in nabbing my cd player from my car. They tore my console apart, looking for anything of value, rummaged through several bags, the glove compartment, etc. The face and part of the plastic securing the cd player were taken off and left in the front seat but thankfully the theif didn't get to accomplish his mission. I waited for a few minutes for the police to show up and filed a report. Unfortunately there's nothing really that can be done, but I'll be parking in the garage for sure from now on and Walker plans to install and motion censored light in the back. Good thing they didn't get the whole cd player because my Sound of Music cd was in and living without that would be unthinkable.


Anonymous said...

Ahh that sucks. So where does Walker get to park now?

DollyeP said...

He has always parked in the front of the house on the street. Apparently thieves aren't as likely to hit cars on the street because it's easier to get caught.