Sunday, January 06, 2008

Eating for Life

by Bill Phillips.
Walker and I eat healthy for the most part, or at least are knowledgable about what is a good food choice and what is not. For a while....maybe a year or longer, we have used the Abs Diet by David Zinczenko- editor of Men's Health magazine- as a guide for our healthy eating habits and for recipes. I came across Eating for Life at work and liked the layout and easy recipes. We've both read through it and will be implementing some of the foods and recipes into our living. It's not just about healthy eating for the short term benefits, but living a healthy lifestyle.
Something my Grandparents did for all of us for Christmas this year was to make a basket of healthy eating items including things like spinach, pomegranate juice, low sodium soups, rice cakes, new toothbrushes, etc. This is a new spin on giving food items for Christmas. Instead of the fruitcake, peanut brittle or fudge it was a refreshing twist and helps us all live up to our goals of living and eating healthy.
Anyway, I would also recommend this book to the cook who likes to have pictures of what is being prepared. It is essential to me that I know what it is supposed to look like before I start attempting to make it. Nice glossy pictures and even pictures of the ingredient list help to make cooking and preparing an easier task.

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