Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Best Patient

I had the privilege of staying home with my boy today. He has an assortment of ailments and has had to have nebulizer treatments. He's such a trooper and has not complained once. He seems to like playing with the vapor that comes out and thinks it's funny. Daddy is taking off with him tomorrow.

Just this weekend we had been talking about needing to spend more one on one time with Ben. Funny how things work out.

He took a three and a half hour nap this morning and is currently asleep again. We had fun watching Sock Lobster (thanks Aunt Lisa) and ate blueberries and cheerios as a snack with our movie. Then we did something brave and daring. We explored sisters room and played with her baby doll and her dancing Elmo. We also examined her sock drawer for anything interesting and jiggled her piggy bank. We crawled around and poked our fingers in the air intake vent, played with a green tractor and decided it was naptime again.

Now, during the course of writing this post I have come to realize that a cord needed to transfer pictures of today is at school. Bummer. Therefore, sadly, I cannot share with you the photographic memories our adventures today. This unexpected blunder will not prevent me from sharing another photo from the not too distant past. (taken over Christmas break)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

These two crack me up....

I hope this brings a little sunshine to your day!